Kenya Postal codes, also referred to as zip codes or postcodes, play a crucial role in mail delivery and service registrations. They consist of five to nine digits and are essential for accurately addressing mail and packages, as well as filling out various forms, online or offline. It’s important to note that the Kenyan international telephone access code is +254, not a postal code. Below is the comprehensive list of all postal codes in Kenya:
List of All Postal Codes in Kenya
Location | Postal Code |
Adungosi | 50413 |
Agenga | 40406 |
Ahero | 40101 |
Ainabkoi | 30101 |
Akala | 40139 |
Aluor | 40140 |
Amagoro | 50244 |
Amukura | 50403 |
Andigo | 40136 |
Angurai | 50412 |
Anyiko | 40616 |
Archer’s Post | 60302 |
Arror | 30708 |
Asembo Bay | 40619 |
Asumbi | 40309 |
Athi River | 200204 |
Awach Tende | 40328 |
Bahati | 20113 |
Bamburi | 80101 |
Banja | 50316 |
Bar Ober | 50411 |
Baragoi | 20601 |
Baraton | 30306 |
Baricho | 10302 |
Bartolimo | 30412 |
Barwesa | 30412 |
Bissil | 1101 |
Bokoli | 50206 |
Bomet | 20400 |
Bondeni | 20101 |
Bondo | 40601 |
Booker | 50137 |
Boro | 40620 |
Budalangi | 50415 |
Bugar | 30702 |
Buhuyi | 50416 |
Bukembe | 50233 |
Bukiri | 50417 |
Bukura | 50105 |
Bulimbo | 50109 |
Bumala | 50404 |
Bumutiru | 50418 |
Bungoma | 50200 |
Bunyore | 50301 |
Bura Tana | 70104 |
Burnt Forest | 30102 |
Buru Buru | 500515 |
Busia | 50400 |
Butere | 50101 |
Butula | 50405 |
Buyofu | 50210 |
Chamakanga | 50302 |
Changamwe | 80102 |
Chavakali | 50317 |
Chebiemit | 30706 |
Cheborge | 20215 |
Chebororwa | 30125 |
Chebunyo | 20401 |
Chemamul | 20222 |
Chemaner | 20407 |
Chemase | 40143 |
Chemelil | 40116 |
Chemiron | 30206 |
Chepareria | 30605 |
Chepkorio | 30129 |
Chepsonoi | 30309 |
Cheptais | 50201 |
Cheptalal | 20410 |
Chepterwai | 30121 |
Cheptongei | 30709 |
Chepsinendet | 20217 |
Chesoi | 30712 |
Chiakanyinga | 60410 |
Chaikariga | 60409 |
Chogoria | 60401 |
Chuka | 60400 |
Chuvuli | 90219 |
Chumvi | 90147 |
Chumvini | 80314 |
Chwele | 50202 |
City Square | 200200 |
Coast Gen Hsp | 80103 |
Dadaab | 70103 |
Dago | 40112 |
Dandora | 500516 |
Daraja Mbili | 40117 |
Daystar University | 90145 |
Dede | 40331 |
Diani Beach | 80401 |
Docks | 80104 |
Dol Dol | 10401 |
Dorofu | 50213 |
Dudi | 40621 |
Dundori | 20118 |
Eastleigh | 600610 |
Egerton University | 20115 |
Ekalakala | 90139 |
El Wak | 70301 |
Elburgon | 20102 |
Eldama Ravine | 20103 |
Eldoret Airport | 30124 |
Eldoret GPO | 30100 |
Elementatita | 20119 |
Elugulu | 50429 |
Emali | 90121 |
Embakasi | 500501 |
Embu | 60100 |
Emining | 20140 |
Emuhaya | 50314 |
Endarasha | 10107 |
Endau | 90206 |
Endebess | 30201 |
Enosaen | 40703 |
Enterprise Road | 500500 |
Eregi | 50303 |
Etago | 40208 |
Ewaso Kedong | 20242 |
Faza | 80501 |
Fort Ternan | 20209 |
Funyula | 50406 |
Location | Postal Code |
Gacharage-ini | 10210 |
Gachoka | 60119 |
Gaitu | 60209 |
Gakere Road | 10109 |
Gakindu | 10111 |
Gambogi | 50318 |
Ganze | 80205 |
Garba Tulla | 60301 |
Garissa | 70100 |
Garsen | 80201 |
Gatara | 10212 |
Gathiruini | 00239 |
Gathugu | 00240 |
Gatimbi | 60217 |
Gatitu | 10114 |
Gatondo | 10115 |
Gatugura | 10305 |
Gatukuyu | 01028 |
Gatundu | 01030 |
Gatunga | 60404 |
Gatura | 01013 |
Gede | 80208 |
Gembe | 40312 |
Gesima | 40503 |
Gesusu | 40201 |
Giakanja | 10108 |
Gigiri | 00601 |
Gikoe | 10213 |
Gilgil | 20116 |
Giribe | 40407 |
Gisambai | 50304 |
Githiga | 00903 |
Githogo | 60205 |
Githumu | 01032 |
Githunguri | 00216 |
Gitimene | 60212 |
Gituamba | 01003 |
Gitugi | 10209 |
Gongini | 80206 |
Gorgor | 20411 |
Griftu | 70202 |
Habaswein | 70201 |
Hakati | 50407 |
Hamisi | 50312 |
Hawinga | 40640 |
Highridge | 00612 |
Hola | 70101 |
Homa Bay | 40300 |
Huruma | 30109 |
Location | Postal Code |
Ichichi | 10227 |
Igare | 40209 |
Igoji | 60402 |
Igwamiti | 20307 |
Iiani | 90120 |
Ikalaasa | 90135 |
Ikerege | 40415 |
Ikinu | 00904 |
Ikonge | 40501 |
Ikutha | 90207 |
Ikuu | 60405 |
Ilasit | 00214 |
Ileho | 50111 |
Imanga | 50112 |
Ishiara | 60102 |
Isibania | 40414 |
Isinya | 01102 |
Isiolo | 60300 |
Isulu | 50114 |
Iten | 30700 |
Ithanga | 01015 |
Itibo | 40504 |
Itumbe | 40210 |
Jebrok | 50319 |
Juja Road | 00622 |
Location | Postal Code |
90122 | |
Kalawa | 90126 |
Kalimoni | 01001 |
Kalokol | 30502 |
Kaloleni | 80105 |
Kamaget | 20218 |
Kamahuha | 10217 |
Kamara | 20134 |
Kambiri | 50116 |
Kambiti | 10226 |
Kamiti | 00607 |
Kampi Ya Samaki | 30406 |
Kamuriai | 50408 |
Kamuwongo | 90403 |
Kamwaura | 20132 |
Kamwosor | 30113 |
Kandara | 01034 |
Kandiege | 40304 |
Kangari | 10218 |
Kangema | 10202 |
Kangemi | 00625 |
Kangundo | 90115 |
Kanja | 60118 |
Kanjuku | 01004 |
Kanyakine | 60206 |
Kanyenyaini | 10220 |
Kanyuambora | 60106 |
Kapcheno | 30304 |
Kapcherop | 30204 |
Kapchorwa | 30311 |
Kapedo | 30410 |
Kapenguria | 30600 |
Kapkatet | 20214 |
Kapkelet | 20219 |
Kapkenda | 30119 |
Kapkugerwet | 20206 |
Kapngetuny | 30111 |
Kapsabet | 30300 |
Kapsara | 30208 |
Kapsoit | 20211 |
Kapsokwony | 50203 |
Kapsowar | 30705 |
Kapsumbeiwa | 30313 |
Kapsuser | 20207 |
Kaptagat | 30114 |
Kaptalamwa | 30710 |
Kaptama | 50234 |
Kaptarakwa | 30701 |
Kaptebengwet | 20221 |
Kaptel | 30312 |
Kapteren | 30711 |
Karaba | 60105 |
Karandi | 20328 |
Karatina | 10101 |
Karatu | 00233 |
Karen | 00502 |
Karingari | 60107 |
Kariobangi | 00615 |
Kariua | 10231 |
Karota | 40505 |
Karungu | 40401 |
Karuri | 00219 |
Karurumo | 60117 |
Kasarani | 00608 |
Kasigau | 80307 |
Kasikeu | 90123 |
Katangi | 90106 |
Kathiani | 90105 |
Kathonzweni | 90302 |
Kathwana | 60406 |
Katito | 40118 |
Katse | 90404 |
Katutu | 90217 |
Kaviani | 90107 |
Kavuti | 90405 |
Kayole | 00518 |
Kebirigo | 40506 |
Kedowa | 20220 |
Keekorok | 20501 |
Kegogi | 40515 |
Kegonga | 40416 |
Kehancha | 40413 |
Kendu Bay | 40301 |
Kenol (Makuyu) | 01020 |
Kenyatta National Hospital | 00202 |
Location | Postal Code |
Kaanwa | 60411 |
Kabarak University | 20157 |
Kabarnet | 30400 |
Kabartonjo | 30401 |
Kabati | 90205 |
Kabazi | 20114 |
Kabianga | 20201 |
Kabiemit | 30130 |
Kabiyet | 30303 |
Kabujoi | 30305 |
Kabula | 50214 |
Kacheliba | 30601 |
Kadel | 40314 |
Kadongo | 40223 |
Kaewa | 90150 |
Kagio | 10306 |
Kagumo | 10307 |
Kagunduini | 01033 |
Kagwe | 00223 |
Kaheho | 20304 |
Kahuhia | 10206 |
Kahuro | 10201 |
Kahuti | 10214 |
Kaimosi | 50305 |
Kainuk | 30604 |
Kairo | 10215 |
Kajiado | 01100 |
Kakamega | 50100 |
Kakemer | 50419 |
Kakibora | 30216 |
Kakoneni | 80209 |
Kakuma | 30501 |
Kakunga | 50115 |
Kakuzi | 01014 |
Kalamba | Missing |
Kenyatta University | 00609 |
Kenyenya | 40211 |
Kericho | 20200 |
Keroka | 40202 |
Kerugoya | 10300 |
Kerwa | 00906 |
Kesogon | 30215 |
Kesses | 30132 |
Keumbu | 40212 |
Kevote | 60108 |
Khayega | 50104 |
Khumusalaba | 50306 |
Khwisero | 50135 |
Kiamariga | 10122 |
Kiambere | 60109 |
Kiambu | 00900 |
Kiamokama | 40213 |
Kiamutugu | 10309 |
Kiamwangi | 00236 |
Kiandu | 10123 |
Kianjai | 60602 |
Kianjokoma | 60122 |
Kianyaga | 10301 |
Kibigori | 40119 |
Kibingoti | 10311 |
Kibirichia | 60201 |
Kibugu | 60112 |
Kibwezi | 90137 |
Kiganjo | 10102 |
Kigumo | 10203 |
Kihoya | 10207 |
Kihuga Square | 30110 |
Kiirua | 60207 |
Kijabe | 00220 |
Kikima | 90125 |
Kikuyu | 00902 |
Kilala | 90305 |
Kilgoris | 40700 |
Kilibwoni | 30315 |
Kilifi | 80100 |
Kilindini | 80107 |
Kilingili | 50315 |
Kimahuri | 10125 |
Kimana | 00215 |
Kimathi way | 10140 |
Kimbimbi | 10310 |
Kimilili | 50204 |
Kiminini | 30209 |
Kimoning | 30120 |
Kimulot | 20225 |
Kimunye | 10312 |
Kimwarer | 30128 |
Kinamba | 20320 |
Kinango | 80405 |
Kinari | 00227 |
Kindaruma | 01031 |
Kinoru | 60216 |
Kionyo | 60211 |
Kipevu | 80116 |
Kipkabus | 30103 |
Kipkarren River | 50241 |
Kipkelion | 20202 |
Kiplegetet | 30117 |
Kipsaina | 30203 |
Kipsaraman | 30411 |
Kiptabach | 30118 |
Kiptagich | 30402 |
Kiptangwanyi | 20133 |
Kiptere | 20213 |
Kiptugumo | 20208 |
Kirengeti | 20131 |
Kiriani | 10204 |
Kiritiri | 60113 |
Kiritu | 50313 |
Kiriua | 10117 |
Kiruara | 10118 |
Kisanana | 20144 |
Kisasi | 90204 |
Kiserian | 00206 |
Kisii | 40200 |
Kisumu | 40100 |
Kitale | 30200 |
Kitengela | 00241 |
Kithimani | 90124 |
Kithimu | 60114 |
Kithyoko | 90144 |
Kitise | 90303 |
Kitivo | 80316 |
Kitui | 90200 |
Kiunduani | 90148 |
Kiusyani | 90218 |
Kivaani | 90116 |
Kivunga | 90111 |
Kocholya | 50420 |
Koilot | 30314 |
Kojwang | 40317 |
Kola | 90108 |
Kombewa | 40102 |
Kondele | 40103 |
Kondik | 40121 |
Koracha | 40639 |
Koru | 40104 |
Kose |
Location | Postal Code |
Koyonzo | 5 0117 |
Kuresoi | 2 0154 |
Kutus | 1 0304 |
Kwale | 8 0403 |
Kwanza | 3 0210 |
Kwavonza | 9 0215 |
Kyatune | 9 0220 |
Kyeni | 9 0209 |
Kyuso | 9 0401 |
Location | Postal Code |
Laare | 60601 |
Ladhri Awasi | 40122 |
Laikipia Campus | 20330 |
Laisamis | 60502 |
Lamu | 80500 |
Lanet | 20112 |
Langas | 30112 |
Langata | 00509 |
Lavington | 00603 |
Leshau | 20310 |
Lessos | 30302 |
Likoni | 80110 |
Limuru | 00217 |
Lita | 90109 |
Litein | 20210 |
Lodwar | 30500 |
Loitoktok | 00209 |
Loiyangalani | 60501 |
Lokichoggio | 30503 |
Lokitaung | 30504 |
Lokori | 30506 |
Lolgorian | 40701 |
Londian | 20203 |
Longisa | 20402 |
Lower Kabete | 00604 |
Luanda | 50307 |
Luandanyi | 50219 |
Luandeti | 50240 |
Lubao | 50118 |
Lugari | 50108 |
Lugingo | 40622 |
Luhano | 40623 |
Lukolis | 50521 |
Lukore | 80408 |
Lukume | 50132 |
Lumakanda | 50242 |
Lunga Lunga | 80402 |
Lunza | 50119 |
Lusingeti | 00905 |
Lusiola | 50320 |
Lutaso | 50121 |
Lwakhakha | 50220 |
Maai Mahiu | 20147 |
Mabusi | 50235 |
Machakos | 90100 |
Madaraka | 00102 |
Madiany | 40613 |
Madina | 80207 |
Magada | 50321 |
Magadi | 00205 |
Magena | 40516 |
Mago | 50325 |
Magombo | 40507 |
Magumoni | 60403 |
Magunga | 40307 |
Magutuni | 60407 |
Magwagwa | 40508 |
Mahanga | 50322 |
Mairo Inya | 20314 |
Maji Mazuri | 20145 |
Makimeny | 20418 |
Makindu | 90138 |
Makongeni | 00510 |
Maktau | 80315 |
Makueni | 90300 |
Makumbi | 20149 |
Makunga | 50133 |
Makupa | 80112 |
Makutano | 20141 |
Makuyu | 01020 |
Malaha | 50122 |
Malakisi | 50209 |
Malava | 50103 |
Malindi | 80200 |
Malinya | 50123 |
Mandera | 70300 |
Manga | 40509 |
Manyani | 80301 |
Manyatta | 60101 |
Manyuanda | 40625 |
Manyulia | 50126 |
Maragoli | 50300 |
Maragua | 10205 |
Maralal | 20600 |
Marani | 40214 |
Mariakani | 80113 |
Marigat | 30403 |
Marima | 60408 |
Marimanti | 60215 |
Mariwa | 40408 |
Marmanet | 20322 |
Marsabit | 60500 |
Masana | 50324 |
Maseno | 40105 |
Mashini | 80312 |
Mashuru | 01103 |
Masii | 90101 |
Masimba | 40215 |
Masinde Muliro University | 50139 |
Masinga | 90141 |
Matayos | 50422 |
Matete | 50136 |
Mathare Valley | 00611 |
Mathuki | 90406 |
Matiliku | 90140 |
Matinyani | 90210 |
Matuga | 80406 |
Matunda | 30205 |
Matuu | 90119 |
Mau Narok | 20111 |
Mau Summit | 20122 |
Maua | 60600 |
Maungu | 80317 |
Mavindini | 90304 |
Mawego | 40310 |
Mazeras | 80114 |
Mbagathi | 00503 |
Mbakalo | 50236 |
Mbari Ya Njiku | 00231 |
Mbiri | 10233 |
Mbita | 40305 |
Mbitini | 90214 |
Mbiuni | 90110 |
Mbumbuni | 00127 |
Mchumbi Road | 00504 |
Menengai | 20104 |
Merigi | 20419 |
Merti | 60303 |
Meru | 60200 |
Mfangano | 40319 |
Mgambonyi | 80313 |
Mgange | 80306 |
Miathene | 60604 |
Migioini | 01029 |
Migwani | 90402 |
Miharati | 20301 |
Mikayi | 40225 |
Mikinduri | 60607 |
Milimani | 50138 |
Milton Siding | 20123 |
Mirangine |
Location | Postal Code |
Nairage Enkare | 20504 |
Nairobi GPO | 00100 |
Naishi | 20142 |
Naitiri | 50211 |
Naivasha | 20117 |
Nakuru | 20100 |
Namanga | 00207 |
Nambacha | 50127 |
Nambale | 50409 |
Nandi Hills | 30301 |
Nangili | 50239 |
Nango | 40615 |
Nanyuki | 10400 |
Naro moru | 10105 |
Narok | 20500 |
Ndalani | 90118 |
Ndalat | 30123 |
Ndalu | 50212 |
Ndanai | 20404 |
Ndaragwa | 20306 |
Ndenderu | 00230 |
Ndere | 40629 |
Nderu | 00229 |
Ndhiwa | 40302 |
Ndigwa | 40630 |
Ndithini | 01016 |
Ndoa | 90202 |
Ndori | 40602 |
Ndunyu Njeru | 20317 |
Ngambwa | 80311 |
Nganduri | 60115 |
Ngara Road | 00600 |
Ngecha | 00218 |
Ngewa | 00901 |
Nginyang | 30404 |
Ngiya | 40603 |
Ngong Hills | 00208 |
Ngong Road | 00505 |
Ngorika | 20126 |
Nguni | 90407 |
Nguyoini | 10224 |
Ngwata | 90129 |
Njipiship | 40702 |
Njoro | 20107 |
Nkondi | 60214 |
Nkubu | 60202 |
North Kinangop | 20318 |
Nthongoini | 90149 |
Ntimaru | 40417 |
Nunguni | 90130 |
Nuu | 90408 |
Nyabondo | 40124 |
Nyandorera | 40631 |
Nyahururu | 20300 |
Nyali | 80118 |
Nyamache | 40203 |
Nyamarambe | 40206 |
Nyambunwa | 40205 |
Nyamira | 40500 |
Nyamonye | 40632 |
Nyadhiwa | 40333 |
Nyangande | 40126 |
Nyangori | 40127 |
Nyangusu | 40218 |
Nyangweso | 40311 |
Nyansiongo | 40502 |
Nyaramba | 40514 |
Nyaru | 30131 |
Nyatike | 40402 |
Nyawara | 40633 |
Nyayo Stadium | 00506 |
Nyeri | 10100 |
Nyilima | 40611 |
Nzeeka | 90136 |
Nziu | 90143 |
Nzoia | 50237 |
Obekai | 50427 |
Oboch | 40129 |
Ogembo | 40204 |
Ogen | 40130 |
Ogongo | 40323 |
Okia | 90301 |
Ol Joro Orok | 20302 |
Ol Kalou | 20303 |
Olbutyo | 20421 |
Olenguruone | 20152 |
Olkurto | 20502 |
Olololunga | 20503 |
Oloomirani | 20424 |
Oltepesi | 00213 |
Omboga | 40306 |
Omogonchoro | 40221 |
Ongata Rongai | 00511 |
Oriang | 40227 |
Ortum | 30602 |
Otaro | 40324 |
Othaya | 10106 |
Othoch Rakuom | 40411 |
Location | Postal Address |
Pala | 40329 |
Pap Onditi | 40111 |
Parklands | 00623 |
Passenga | 20311 |
Paw Akuche | 40131 |
Pembe Tatu | 40113 |
Plateau | 30116 |
Port Victoria | 50410 |
Quarry Road | 00624 |
Rabuor | 40132 |
Racecourse Road | 00617 |
Ragengni | 40604 |
Rakwaro | 40325 |
Ramba | 40330 |
Ramula | 40142 |
Ranen | 40412 |
Rangala | 40634 |
Rangwe | 40303 |
Rapogi | 40403 |
Ratta | 40137 |
Reru | 40133 |
Rhamu | 70302 |
Rigoma | 40511 |
Ringa | 40226 |
Riochanda | 40512 |
Riosiri | 40220 |
Riruta | 00512 |
Rodi Kopany | 40326 |
Ronald Ngala Street | 00300 |
Ronda | 20127 |
Rongai | 20108 |
Rongo | 40404 |
Roret | 20204 |
Ruaraka | 00618 |
Ruiru | 00232 |
Rumuruti | 20321 |
Runyenjes | 60103 |
Ruri | 20313 |
Ruringu | 10133 |
Rusinga | 40327 |
Ruthangati | 10134 |
Sabatia | 20143 |
Saboti | 30211 |
Sagalla | 80308 |
Sagana | 10230 |
Samburu | 80120 |
Samitsi | 50128 |
Sare | 40405 |
Sarit Centre | 00606 |
Sasumua Road | 00513 |
Sawagongo | 40612 |
Sega | 40614 |
Serem | 50308 |
Seretunin | 30407 |
Shabaab | 20150 |
Shianda | 50106 |
Shiatsala | 50129 |
Shibuli | 50130 |
Shimanyiro | 50131 |
Shimba Hills | 80407 |
Shinyalu | 50107 |
Siakago | 60104 |
Siaya | 40600 |
Sidindi | 40605 |
Sifuyo | 40643 |
Sigomre | 40635 |
Sigor | 20405 |
Sigoti | 40135 |
Sigowet | 20212 |
Sikinwa | 30217 |
Silibwet | 20422 |
Simat | 30127 |
Sindo | 40308 |
Singore | 30703 |
Sio Port | 50401 |
Sipili | 20326 |
Sirembe | 40636 |
Sirende | 30213 |
Sirisia | 50208 |
Sirongo | 40642 |
Solai | 20128 |
Sololo | 60701 |
Sondu | 40109 |
Songhor | 40110 |
Sorget | 20223 |
Sosiot | 20205 |
Sotik | 20406 |
South Horr | 20604 |
South Kinangop | 20155 |
South Kinangop | 20319 |
Soy | 30105 |
Suba Kuria | 40418 |
Subukia | 20109 |
Suguta Mar Mar | 20602 |
Sulmac | 20151 |
Sultan Hamud | 90132 |
Suna | 40400 |
Suwerwa | 30212 |
Tabani | 30220 |
Tabani | 50238 |
Tala | 90131 |
Tambach | 30704 |
Tarasaa | 80203 |
Tausa | 80309 |
Taveta | 80302 |
Tawa | 90133 |
Tenges | 30405 |
Thaara | 10110 |
Thangathi | 10135 |
Thare | 01026 |
Thigio | 00210 |
Thika | 01000 |
Tigiji | 60210 |
Timau | 10406 |
Timber Mill Road | 20110 |
Timboroa | 30108 |
Tiriki | 50309 |
Tom Mboya | 00400 |
Tombe | 40513 |
Tongaren | 30218 |
Torongo | 20153 |
Tot | 30707 |
Tseikuru | 90409 |
Tulia | 90203 |
Tumu Tumu | 10136 |
Tunyai | 60213 |
Turbo | 30106 |
Turi | 20129 |
Uaso Nyiro | 10137 |
Ugunja | 40606 |
Uhuru Gardens | 00517 |
Ukunda | 80400 |
Ukwala | 40607 |
Uplands | 00222 |
Uranga | 40608 |
Uriri | 40228 |
Usenge | 40609 |
Usigu | 40637 |
Uthiru | 00605 |
Valley Arcade | 00514 |
Vihiga | 50310 |
Village Market |
Location | Postal Address |
Vipingo | 80119 |
Vitengeni | 80211 |
Viwandani | 00507 |
Voi | 80300 |
Voo | 90212 |
Wagusu | 40638 |
Waithaka | 00613 |
Wajir | 70200 |
Wamagana | 10138 |
Wamba | 20603 |
Wamunyu | 90103 |
Wamwangi | 01010 |
Wangige | 00614 |
Wanguru | 10303 |
Wanjengi | 10225 |
Wanjohi | 20305 |
Watalii Road | 80204 |
Watamu | 80202 |
Webuye | 50205 |
Weiwei | 30603 |
Werugha | 80303 |
Westlands | 00800 |
Winam | 40141 |
Witu | 80504 |
Wiyumiririe | 20329 |
Wodanga | 50311 |
Wundanyi | 80304 |
Yala | 40610 |
Yaya Towers | 00508 |
Yoani | 90134 |
Ziwa | 30214 |
Zombe | 90213 |
Nairobi ZIP Code and Postal Codes
Although traditional letter-writing has declined in favor of digital communication, ZIP and postal codes remain essential for services such as package delivery and statistical purposes. Here’s a comprehensive list of Nairobi’s ZIP codes and postal codes:
What is the Nairobi ZIP code?
Nairobi’s postal code is 00100, belonging to the General Post Office, the headquarters of the country’s postal corporation.
Postal Codes for Nairobi
Region | Postal Code |
Buruburu | 00515 |
City Square | 00200 |
Dandora | 00516 |
Eastleigh | 00610 |
Embakasi | 00521 |
Enterprise Road | 00500 |
G.P.O. Nairobi | 00100 |
Gigiri | 00601 |
J.K.I.A. Airport | 00501 |
Jamia | 00101 |
Kamiti | 00607 |
Kangemi | 00625 |
Karen | 00502 |
Kayole | 00518 |
Kenyatta National Hospital | 00202 |
Kenyatta University | 00609 |
Langata | 00509 |
Lavington | 00603 |
Lower Kabete | 00604 |
Makongeni | 00510 |
Mathare Valley | 00611 |
Mbagathi | 00503 |
Mchumbi Road | 00504 |
Mlolongo | 00519 |
Muthaiga | 00619 |
Ngara Road | 00600 |
Ngong Road | 00505 |
Nyayo Stadium | 00506 |
Parklands | 00623 |
What’s the Difference Between Postal and ZIP Codes?
ZIP codes are commonly used in America, while postal codes are used in other countries, including Kenya. Both serve the same purpose of identifying locations for mail delivery.
Does Kenya Use ZIP Codes?
No, Kenya uses a postal code system consisting of five-digit numeric codes to identify delivery centers operated by the country’s postal corporation.
Postal Code System in Kenya
Kenya’s postal code system uses a 5-digit code where the first two digits represent the postal region, and the last three represent the specific delivery office.
Postal Code for Mombasa
The postal code for Mombasa, Kenya’s largest coastal city, is 80100.
In conclusion, Nairobi’s ZIP code (00100) is crucial for mail delivery, and knowing postal codes for various regions facilitates sending mail to specific areas within the city.
Nakuru Postal Code, ZIP, and Area Codes for All Sub-Counties
Nakuru County, the 32nd out of Kenya’s 47 counties, comprises 11 sub-counties, each with its own unique postal code. Familiarizing yourself with these postal codes will facilitate business operations and mail/package delivery within the county.
Postal Codes for All Nakuru Sub-Counties
Sub-County | Postal Code |
Bahati | 20113 |
Gilgil | 20116 |
Kuresoi North | 20154 |
Kuresoi South | 20154 |
Molo | 20106 |
Naivasha | 20117 |
Nakuru Town East | 20100 |
Nakuru Town West | 20100 |
Njoro | 20107 |
Rongai | 20108 |
Subukia | 20109 |
Nakuru County Postal Codes and Information
Nakuru County boasts numerous attractions, including Lake Nakuru, Lake Naivasha, and Lake Elmenteita, as well as the Menengai crater and the Hyrax Hill prehistoric site. With opportunities for tourism, agriculture, and financial services, Nakuru County’s GDP is second only to Nairobi.
The county’s headquarters is Nakuru Town, divided into 11 sub-counties and 55 wards, covering 7498.8 square kilometers with a population of approximately 2.1 million people.
Nakuru County’s postal code is 20100, with the P.O. Box of Nakuru being 2870-20100.
Postal Codes for Specific Constituencies
- Njoro
- Postal Code: 20107
- Address: P.O. Box 531-20100 Njoro
- Bahati
- Postal Code: 20113
- Address: P.O. Box 22-20113, Maili Kumi
Frequently Asked Questions
- How many sub-counties are in Nakuru County?
- Nakuru County comprises eleven sub-counties subdivided into 55 wards.
- Which is the major tribe in Nakuru County?
- The major tribes in Nakuru County are the Kikuyu and Kalenjin, constituting about 70% of the population.
- What is the nickname of Nakuru?
- Nakuru is nicknamed “Nax Vegas” due to its hosting of the entertaining rugby sport sevens circuit, Prinsloo sevens.
- What is the backbone of Nakuru County’s economy?
- Agriculture, tourism, and manufacturing are the backbone of Nakuru County’s economy.
- What is the main cash crop in Nakuru?
- Main cash crops in Nakuru County include Irish potatoes, beans, maize, barley, wheat, flowers, vegetables, and fruits.
Knowing the Nakuru postal codes and sub-county codes is essential for business setup and mail/package delivery within the county, ensuring efficient operations and communication.
Coast Postal Codes: Mombasa, Kwale, Kilifi, Malindi & More
If you’re residing in the Coastal Kenya region or planning to, having knowledge of the respective postal codes is indispensable for seamless communication and mail delivery. Here’s a breakdown of postal codes for various cities in the Coast:
Coastal Post Codes
Different cities in Kenya are distinguished by unique postal codes, facilitating direct mail and parcel delivery. Here are the postal codes for different regions in the Coast:
Kilifi Postal Codes
Area | Postal Code |
Ganze | 80205 |
Kilifi | 80100 |
Vitengeni | 80211 |
Postal Codes – Mombasa Region
Here are the postal codes for Mombasa and its environs:
Area | Postal Code |
Changamwe | 80102 |
Kilindini | 80107 |
Kisauni: Bamburi | 80101 |
Kisauni: Kengeleni | 80122 |
Kisauni: Mtopanga | 80117 |
Likoni | 80110 |
Mvita: Mombasa | 80100 |
Mvita: Makupa | 80112 |
Mvita: Docks | 80104 |
Mvita: Coast General | 80103 |
Nyali | 80118 |
Kwale Postal Codes
Here are the postal codes for Kwale:
Area | Postal Code |
Kinango | 80405 |
Lunga Lunga: Kikoneni | 80410 |
Lunga Lunga | 80402 |
Lunga Lunga: Shimoni | 80409 |
Malindi Postal Codes
Here are the postal codes for Malindi:
Area | Postal Code |
Malindi | 80200 |
Malindi: Gongini | 80206 |
Malindi: Kakokeni | 80209 |
Malindi: Mtwapa | 80109 |
Knowing the Coast postal codes will simplify the process of identifying specific locations within the region. Make sure to familiarize yourself with your area’s code for efficient parcel and letter receipt.
These codes will ensure that your correspondence reaches its intended destination promptly and accurately.